La taille peut avoir des erreurs de 1 à 3 cm, c'est acceptable !
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La couleur peut avoir une petite différence en raison de l'éclairage et de l'affichage
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Ex : Politiques d’expédition et de retour, guides des tailles et autres questions courantes.
Holistic approach to turning back the clock! Lose weight, shape your body, Improve your skin, hair & make-up, upgrade your clothing style. Look and feel 20 plus years younger!
Don't *try* to be youthful..JUST BE! Adopt a youthful mindset. Learn how to get rid of limiting beliefs about aging and install a new youthful blueprint.
'The journey home to one's self is usually the most trecherous!..full of opposition, but also the most rewarding!' Learn how to tune inwards and find your youthful soul.
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